Thursday, September 19, 2013

Get Your Ex Back

Get Your Ex Back

 Has the thought of getting your ex back seem to be constantly on your mind? Do you find yourself unable to think or concentrate on anything other than finding a way to get back together? Dealing with a break up is difficult. 

When you and your ex decided to separate it may have never even crossed your mind that you would someday want to get back together. It doesn’t matter if you initiated the break up, if your ex did, or if it was a mutual decision. There is still a chance that you can learn how to get your ex back.

Here are some powerful tips on what you should and shouldn’t do to make your ex want to come crawling back to you:

#1 Stand Your Ground

You must never stoop to the level of begging you’re ex back. You must maintain your dignity and respect in order for your ex to consider getting back together. Don’t offer and plead to do anything needed to get him or her back. This will make you look desperate and unattractive. You must instead stand your ground and show your ex that you will not take all the blame for everything that went wrong. After all, a successful relationship takes the work of two partners.

Never ever tell your ex that you can’t live with out them, or that you want to jump off a bridge, because this will make them think you are crazy! You will not win him or her back by making them feel sorry for you. You need to instead show your ex that you accept the separation and will respect their decision. Showing your ex respect will cause him or her to reconsider the decision for the break up.

#2 Buy Your Ex Back

If getting your ex back was as easy as a bouquet of a dozen perfectly arranged fresh cut red long stem roses with a hand written note confessing your love, then you would probably not be reading this article right now. Buying your ex some flowers or a special gift may not be a bad idea. Just make sure that you do decide to send a gift to your ex, that you don’t expect anything in return.

If you think that your gifts will make your ex want you back with the simple swipe of your credit card, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Don’t constantly try to send flowers and gifts to win them back, because you will just end up looking desperate and your ex will quickly get annoyed.

#3 Bring Back The Desire

What was it that first attracted you to your ex? Was it his or her charming personality? The way you seemed to just click right from the first date? Whatever it was that caused you to fall in love, you must try and rediscover the things in each other that drove you wild from the beginning. People change and relationships change. Sometimes, the best way of mending a relationship is to get back to the core of what attracted you to each other in the first place.

Also, think about current things that your ex might have mentioned that they love about you recently. You may want to focus on improving your past and present qualities to make your ex fall back in love.

#4 Don’t Make Your Ex Jealous

If you have been trying to learn how to get your ex back for some time now, they you have probably heard the advice of dating someone new to make your ex jealous. While this may have worked for some, it’s a dangerous chance that you don’t want to risk. 

Going out with someone new could easily cause your ex to feel that you don’t love them anymore, and cause them to also find some one new. Dating new people can quickly complicate an already difficult separation and even prevent your chances of getting back together.

#5 Don’t Become a Stalker

The initial reaction when you want to get back together is that you need to constantly call, text, and be around your ex to convince them to give you another chance. You may even feel the need to know what they are doing at all times because you fear that they might start talking to someone new and just forget all about you.

If you are feeling and acting like this, then you are killing your chances of getting your ex back. You must stop harassing your ex and give them the space that they need. He or she will not begin to consider or want to get back together until you are able to back off and stop making them feel smothered.

#6 Never Say No To Counseling

If your ex asks you to attend counseling together, this is actually a step in the direction of getting back together. It shows that your ex still cares enough about your relationship to try and repair the issues and make things work out. If you refuse to get professional help, it will seem to your ex that you don’t care about him or her to do whatever it takes.

In fact, going to counseling together is only going to help the both of you to work through your individual problems and find solutions to your relationship issues. What can it hurt? Show you’re ex how much your love them by considering the offer to get professional help.

#7 Say, “I am Sorry” Once

If you caused the break up, then you must show your ex how sorry you are for your mistakes. You should sincerely apologize for what when wrong and help your ex to realize that you really want to make things right. This is a very important conversation that you must have with your ex after your break up so that he or she understands how you feel. 

You must only say that you are sorry once. Don’t keep apologizing and begging for forgiveness. Your ex will realize that you are sorry on his or her when they are ready to accept your apology. If you keep trying to push your apologies on them, it will only cause him or her to back away.

Depending on your situation, you may get your ex back fast, or you may never get back together. You can make sure that you are taking every opportunity to get your ex to want you back by learning the right things to do to make them want to be back together.

Check out this site for some great tips about getting your ex back!

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

How To Get Your Boyfriend Back

 Break ups are painful and heartbreaking. They are even more difficult if you aren’t 100% sure that your separation was the best decision. Did you make the wrong decision to break up with him? Maybe your boyfriend was the one that broke it off with you, and now you just want to find a way to get him back. Either way, if you are having second thoughts about your separation from your ex boyfriend, or if you just want to get your ex back, there are some essential things that you must do.

While it is possible to get your ex boyfriend back, it’s not always the best decision. There are a number of different reasons that relationships end, and sometimes it is best to not try and get back together. Not every relationship can be fixed, and you must really think about your specific situation. Make sure you put some time into thinking if getting him back is really going to be the best thing for you both.

If your past relationship was abusive, unhealthy, controlling, or violent, then it would be best to not try to get back together for your’s and his safety. If you broke up because your boyfriend was cheating on you, then you may want to consider if you could even trust him again. Don’t rush back into your relationship just because you are lonely, or miss him. You have to make sure that the time is right. You have to be certain that things have changed, and that getting back your boyfriend is the right thing to do.

If you strongly feel that getting back your boyfriend is what you would like to do, then follow the tips below to make him want you back.

#1 Why Did You Break Up

If you want to enter back into a relationship with your ex boyfriend, you must first discover what went wrong in your previous relationship. What were the issues that cause your break up? Can they be fixed? This is something you must not overlook, because you don’t want to enter back into your relationship without first resolving the underlying problems.

#2 Don’t Get With Someone New

You may feel tempted to start dating a new man just to make your ex jealous. While some jealousy can make your ex realize that they really do love you, too much and crush your chances of reuniting your relationship. If you really want to get your ex boyfriend back, then you must not date other men. Hanging out with new love interested could end up adding to the problems that you already have with your ex. Your ex may think that you are no longer interested and start dating new women also.

#2 Give him the space he needs

Spend some time thinking about what went wrong, and what you could do to work past these issues. Relationship problems are normally caused by both partners, so make sure you don’t put too much blame on yourself. Remember, it takes two to make a relationship work. Your ex may not even realise that he wants to get back together until he ha had some time alone to start missing you.

Your boyfriend is not going to want to get back together if you are calling, texting, and constantly stopping by to see him. It may seem impossible, but if you want to make things work, you must give him the space that he needs. Let him know that you are still interested in him, and leave it at that. Stop contacting him and leave him alone. You don’t want to look needy and desperate or he will not want 
you back.

#3 Take Care of Yourself

When you are heartbroken because of a breakup, the last thing that you want to do is take time for yourself. Breakups often end up affecting a girls physical appearance just as much as her mental state. You must remember to take the much needed time for your self to help keep your spirits and your looks in the best possible shape. Start eating right, working out, and taking care of you. By focusing on yourself, and improving your appearance, you will start feeling better. If you are feeling and looking

good, then your ex boyfriend is going to want you back.

#4 Be Positive

As hard as this may seem, you really must try and stay positive. If you are negative and are always thinking the worst, then you will likely attract more negative energy into your life and your relationship will not improve. On the other hand, if you are positive, you are going to find that things will start working in your favor.

#5 Discover Yourself

Instead of using this time apart to dwell on the past, use it as an opportunity to rediscover your own interests. What do you love to do? What makes you happy? Take some time to really understand your life, your goals and what truly makes you happy. You must learn to love yourself first, then you will learn how to get your ex back. You will find that once you have improved your self-confidence, you will attract positive attention from others.

#7 Work Together

If your boyfriend has decided that he wants to start giving your relationship another chance, then you must not blow it. Remember that you have to both work together to make your relationship succeed. Try and learn good communication skills. It might even be beneficial to see a relationship counselor, to work through your problems. You want to make sure that you listen to what your boyfriend says and that you take his feelings into consideration as well.

If you want to learn how to get your ex boyfriend back, you should try and remain open, honest, and positive. You might win him back within a few weeks, or you might decide that you are better off separated. Either way, following the tips above will help you to improve yourself. Stay strong and remember that no matter the outcome, you are a great person. You may just find that you become even happier just for making the effort.